Our Software Solutions

Telediagnostics Software

We’ve integrated the most innovative medical apps seamlessly into one comprehensive and customizable workflow that can be used on both broadband and mobile networks, creating a portable, flexible solution for patient care.

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improve patient outcomes

Improve Operational Efficiency and Reduce Costs

Introduce efficiencies and extend capabilities with a software platform designed to transform care delivery. Medpod AMP integrates live-streaming HD audio/video, automated data throughput, professional-grade medical devices, health information exchange, third-party applications, and a highly flexible user interface into one easy-to-use patient management ecosystem, providing more efficient and effective on-demand care.

Enhance Your Patient and Provider Experience

With Medpod’s innovative software solutions, you can care for your patients when and where they need it. Our unique software allows you to focus more on patient care than ever before in an efficient way by digitizing your practice without disruption. Visit our solutions page to learn more about how Medpod can help you enhance your care capabilities.

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Our Services Solutions

More than Telemedicine – Augmented Medicine™

Transform care and improve patient outcomes with Medpod AMP, our browser-based total healthcare ecosystem. All software/data flows back into your EHR Seamlessly and bi-directionally via proprietary software.

Passion & Expertise

MedPod revolutionizes the
delivery of care

By combining our outstanding software solutions with our innovative hardware offerings, we deliver the most comprehensive, scalable telediagnostics platform in the industry.

We seek to aid providers in increasing access to care by ensuring that we are elevating the medical standard for higher quality care between provider and patient during remote encounters, bringing virtual visits on-par with or better than in-person visits.

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